Lavora con noi

Isula Travel è sempre aperta a conoscere nuovi professionisti e ad avviare collaborazioni nell'ambito della ricezione turistica.

Se hai esperienza in ambito turistico e ricettivo e vuoi farti avanti, inviaci la tua candidatura a [email protected]

Prenderemo in considerazione le figure professionali che più si allineano alla nostra filosofia aziendale:

  • serietà e cortesia
  • fiducia
  • eccellenza




Every puzzle piece is important

IsulaTravel firmly believes in its people and their unvaluable potential.

Everyone in the IsulaTravel's team has its own background, its own experiences, its own interests.

We are all different from eachother, but we work amazingly together because we all have in common the love for tourism and for Sicily, the land that nourish us day by day.

Join us in this adventure

IsulaTravel is always open to meet new professionals and start off amazing collaborations.

If you have experience in tourism and hospitality and want to step forward, send us your application.

It will be a pleasure for me to chat with you and discover how you can match our team's values and philosophy, becoming part of the amazing group of people I am lucky enough to work with.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Enzo IsulaTravel's CEO and founder