Cancellation guide
How to cancel the Isula Travel holiday villa rental reservation
Do you have to cancel your holiday in one of our dream villas?
We are very sorry for that but we explain you how to do it in compliance with our cancellation policies.
If you wish to proceed with the cancellation of your holiday home rental contract, send us an email at [email protected] within 60 days before the date of your arrival.
If the cancellation occurs after 60 days prior to arrival at the villa, we will follow the procedures set out in our cancellation policy:
1. for cancellations up to 61 days BEFORE the check-in date there will be no charge;
2. for cancellations up to 30 days BEFORE the check-in date at the villa, 50% of the total amount of the reservation will be charged;
3. for cancellations after 30 days BEFORE the date of arrival there will not be any refund, as the 100% will be due.